Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Crossing the Red Sea

Choice 4: Exodus 14. Crossing the Red Sea

Read Exodus 14:19-30 and 1 Corinthians 10:1-4. Explain in writing how the children of Israel were symbolically saved by water and fire.

The Lord has long used symbolism to teach principles of the gospel.  Everything he did for the Israelites was symbolic of aspects of the higher law.  This includes the necessity to have daily manna (daily spiritual feeding) and looking towards the serpent on the cross to be healed (the atonement).  In crossing the red sea the Lord used water and fire as symbols of their salvation. 

The Lord literally saved Israel from the pursuing Egyptians by way of creating a barrier or fire and dividing the waters of the sea for them to pass through.  I think this was also symbolic of their spiritual conversion.  At this point the Children of Israel still did not fully trust their God.  I think passing through the divided water was symbolic of baptism and the barrier of fire was symbolic of the Holy Ghost.  After the ordeal, the Israelites were converted.  The final scripture of Exodus 14 reads: “And Israel saw that great work which the Lord did upon the Egyptians: and the people feared the Lord, and believed the Lord, and his servant Moses.”

The Student manual states, “…the action displayed His (God’s) awesome and great protective power.  He was the only warrior in this battle against one of the most formidable armies in the world. Therefore, this event was the prelude and proof of His demand henceforth for trust and obedience.”  This tells me that form hence forth the Children of Israel would have to make covenants with God to receive his blessings, just as we do with baptism and receiving the Holy Ghost.

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