Friday, June 27, 2014

The Savior's Second Coming

Preparing for the Savior’s Second Coming

The Savior has said that he is going to come at an hour that no man knoweth, as if he were a thief in the night.  He has counseled us to be ready for his coming.  Two key words that he uses are “Watch” and “Heed”.  Here are a few of the things the Savior has counseled us to do in preparation. 

He has asked us to watch for those who would deceive you.  The way we are to prevent ourselves from being deceived is by treasuring up his words.  The Savior also asks us to stand in holy places.  To me this is referring to the Temple and also the various meeting houses of the Lord.  If I am regularly going to those places, I am probably doing what is right.  We are also told to take the Holy Spirit as our guide and to be faithful.  The Lord counsels us to be prepared for his coming.  I understand this to mean both temporally and spiritually.  There will be great calamities which we will need to prepare for temporally along with the attacks on us spiritually.  In the last days we should watch for those times when the Lord’s people are delivered up to councils and rulers and kings to be judged and beaten.  We should take comfort in knowing that Christ predicted all of this to happen.  Finally, we should pray always and watch for the saviors coming.  If we are vigilant and continually preparing we shall not fear.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

I think the Widow’s gift was significant because shows how the Lord measures our sacrifice and obedience.  The Lord looks more upon quality not quantity and the value of it is based on capability and intent.  The widow, even though she was poor, gave willingly and her sacrifice was an amount very significant to her.

The Lord requires much from us.  He requires us to sacrifice many of our own selfish wants and desires.  He also expects us to do all that we can to build up the kingdom, spread his word and serve those around us.  By doing these things, we show the Lord our love for him.  Loving the Lord with all our heart, soul and mind is the first and great commandment.

The widow gave all that she had, not 10%, not 50%, all that she had.  That is amazing.  It truly is an example of consecration.  She was living by the covenants that I have made to give of all my time, talents and all that I possess.  The Lord requires us to give all and do all that we can for the kingdom of God.  After we have done our best at this, then the Lord comes in and makes up the difference.

I think I could better follow the Widow’s example by giving more service in the church and to those around me.  There is much service to give.  All need to do is be available for the opportunities.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Luke 10- The Seventy
The Lord called seventy others, to assist the Apostles in the work.  The Lord gives the seventy charge to preach his gospel.  He tells them to go out two by two to all of the cities he himself would go.  I thought that was the Lords way of saying, do what I would do.  That’s a big responsibility.  He warns them that they will be few, even though the harvest is great and that they will be lambs among wolves.  If they understood this statement, I imagine it would have been scary for them.  The Lord then gives them instruction on how they would preach.  They are not to go house to house, nor take any items with them.  He tells them how to deal with those who receive them and those who do not.  He told them to heal the sick where those are who receive them.  The Lord explains that their voice will be his voice and that they will have power over the serpents and scorpions and that the enemy will not hurt them.

The fact that Christ called, commissioned and sent the seventy forth to help spread the gospel, is a testament to me that the Lord has an organization set forth for spreading his gospel and keeping his sheep.  As our Article of Faith #6 states, we still believe in that organization.  That is why we have quorums of the seventy today.  The seventy then and now have great responsibility given to them.

Our scriptures testify of the Lords organized church and calling of the quorums of the seventy. The seventy were called and ordained to the Melchizedek priesthood.  They are general authorities in the church and are given apostolic authority, but not ordained as apostles.  In modern day scripture the duties of the Seventy are set forth.  They are special witnesses of Christ.  They act under the direction of the Apostles.  They build up the kingdom and are considered traveling elders.