Saturday, May 17, 2014

John the Baptist's Role

Matthew 11:1–19; Luke 7:18–35. John the Baptist
1.       Read Matthew 11:1–19 and Luke 7:18–35. What did the two disciples of John the Baptist ask Jesus Christ? The Savior told them to go back to John and tell what they saw and heard. After reading these accounts, explain three things you would have told John if you had been with those two men.
The disciples of John asked Christ if he was the “one” who should come or if they should be looking for another. (Apparently they were asking him if he was the Savior).  I think the first thing I would have told John was that we should not be ashamed (or offended as Christ said) of Christ or his Gospel, but rather embrace it and show it to the world.  I would reassure John that Christ testified that John was the one prophets foretold would come before the Savior and prepare the way.  Finally I would speak of how I felt (implying the spirit) in Christ’s presence while he was yet preaching and performing great miracles among the people. 

2.       Read the institute student manual commentary for Matthew 11:2–3, “Did John Doubt That Jesus Was the Messiah?” (pg. 66). Explain why John wanted his disciples to go to Jesus Christ.
John did not doubt that Jesus was the Messiah.  He had a sure knowledge that came from revelation and visitations of angels.  John had an issue with his disciples not wanting to leave him and follow Christ.  John sent his disciples to Christ to help strengthen the testimony of the disciples in Christ.  John needed to persuade them that Jesus was the messiah

3.       Read the institute student manual commentary for Matthew 11:11, “No Greater Prophet than John the Baptist” (pg. 66). What did the Savior say about John the Baptist in Matthew 11:11 and Luke 7:28? Provide three reasons given by Joseph Smith why John the Baptist is considered among the greatest prophets.
Our Savior said that John the Baptist was the greatest of any born among women, but that the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than him.  John was entrusted with the responsibility of preparing the way for the Savior.  He was also the one who had the job of baptizing the Messiah.  Lastly, John held the rights and keys to the kingdom by being born in the blood lineage that he was born into.

4.       What does John 3:30 suggest about John the Baptist and his attitude toward the Savior? Briefly describe how we could apply a similar attitude in our own lives.

I think this shows John’s full understanding of who the savior was and what his mission was.  John was the prophet that prepared the way for the Savior and he had to amass a large following.  Therefore in this verse it shows not only his understanding, but his humility and willingness to give up whatever power or following he had accumulated.  John had faith knew the Savior needed to fulfill his work.

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