Saturday, May 31, 2014

Events on the Mount

Matthew 17:1–9. The Mount of Transfiguration
1.    Study the following references and compile a list of important events that happened on the Mount of Transfiguration:
a)      Matthew 17:1–9
b)      Luke 9:31 (see footnote a)
c)       2 Peter 1:16–18
d)      Doctrine and Covenants 63:21
e)      Institute student manual commentary for Matthew 17:3–4, “What Was Important About the Appearance of Moses and Elijah?” (pg. 103)
f)       Bible Dictionary, “Transfiguration, Mount of” (pg. 786)
2.    In what ways would this experience have prepared the three Apostles for the responsibilities they would soon have as leaders of the Church?

Important events on the Mount:
1.       I think the event happened on the seventh day of the week
2.       Peter, James and John were apart from the others
3.       Christ was transfigured
4.       Moses and Elias (Elijah) appeared to them
5.       Heavenly Father declared Christ to be his son from a cloud and instructed the apostles to hear him (Christ)
6.       The Apostles showed humility and respect for the event by offering to build tabernacles
7.       The Apostles were told to keep the event sacred.
8.       Moses and Elias spoke to Christ of his death and resurrection. 
9.       All these things were the apostles witnesses
10.    The apostles must have been shown many other things, one of those was the transfiguration of the earth
11.   On the mount is where Peter, James and John received the keys to the priesthood
12.   The relationship between Christ and his prophets was demonstrated.

It was important for Moses and Elijah to appear because they each held important keys pertaining to the priesthood that would be necessary to confer upon the apostles.  Moses held the keys to the gathering of Israel and Elijah the keys to the sealing power.  Another important aspect of their appearance we learn, is that they came as translated beings, not resurrected beings.  They did not taste of death, but were translated.  This was important as they would need bodies to confer these keys by the laying on of hands, but could not be resurrected as Christ was to be the first to resurrect.

This is a grand moment in the scriptures.  One that I think I take for granted.  I think the difficult part is that much of the doctrine about the event is spread out through ancient and modern revelation.  I think in order for Peter, James and John to take over the affairs of the church, this event was necessary.  This event would have made them even more of a “Special” witness of Christ.  The event opened their understanding to many future event, which no doubt strengthened their faith and resolve.  Hearing the voice of our Father in Heaven would have given them a testimony on how the god head works.  Most importantly they had the keys of the priesthood conferred upon them.  This was necessary to continue the work of salvation among men.  I think this would have been a mind blowing event for me.  I’m sure their physical states had to be altered to endure such an event.  I would have marveled for a long time on what transpired.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Matthew 14:22–33. Walking on the Sea
1.       Review Matthew 14:22–33. Identify in writing what the reaction of the Apostles was when they first saw the Savior walking on the water toward them.
2.       What did Peter’s response indicate about him?
3.       According to Matthew 14:30, why did Peter begin to sink?
4.       What did Peter do when he began to sink? What word in the verses describes the expediency or the timing when Jesus responded to Peter’s request?
5.       Read Doctrine and Covenants 88:67. Write a paragraph describing what principle from this verse relates to what Peter did to successfully walk on the water. How can this same principle be applied to your life to assist you in walking over the storms of life?

So, right after the Savior performs an amazing miracle of feeding 5,000 people with 5 loaves of bread and two fishes, he then performs another miracle just for his chosen apostles.  It seems odd that he did it.  Possible he perceived that the apostles did not think the previous feeding miracle was that grand.  I feel like the Savior knew this and purposefully set up the scenario wherein he would walk on the water.  Why else would he have sent the apostles away in a boat while he labored to send the multitude away?  I know that it says he later went apart into a mountain to pray, but he could have done this while the apostles waited for him on the shore.

Oddly, when the disciples saw Christ walking on the water, they cried with fear, believing it was a ghost.  They must have been hard of learning.  We know that Peter asked to go out and meet the Savior, essentially asking the Savior to allow him to walk on water.  I think this showed Peter’s initiative, and leadership, to speak up first and actually be brave enough to make such a request.  I know that it also shows his faith, but I think the faith was more of a hope or strong curiosity.  We have all been there, when we see someone do something amazing and our first thought is, “I want to do that also”.  Is that first thought faith?  To some degree yes.  You have to believe that you can actually do what the other did, but it is more of a desire to accomplish what the other has done.  I think this is why Peter began to sink when the wind was “boisterous”. 

Now the Lord “immediately” saved him, which obviously shows the Lords love for us and his ability to immediately help us in anything we do.  I think it is amazing that such a fear could come upon you when you are already walking on the water.  I think I would feel invincible if I were walking on water.  I am sure the Savior had the foreknowledge that Peter would ask to come out.  I also think that the wind was brought forth to further test Peters faith.  Interesting how the wind ceased when they entered the boat.  The scriptures teach that the Lord tests and tries those whom he loves.  Peter was to be the lead apostle, Christ had to continually test and try him.

I think that as we travel through the storms of life we need to have a focused mind and heart.  Our mind and heart should always point to the Lord and we should ever be striving to become as he is and living the gospel he has given to us.  If we do this, we shall be filled with his light and be able to comprehend all things.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

John the Baptist's Role

Matthew 11:1–19; Luke 7:18–35. John the Baptist
1.       Read Matthew 11:1–19 and Luke 7:18–35. What did the two disciples of John the Baptist ask Jesus Christ? The Savior told them to go back to John and tell what they saw and heard. After reading these accounts, explain three things you would have told John if you had been with those two men.
The disciples of John asked Christ if he was the “one” who should come or if they should be looking for another. (Apparently they were asking him if he was the Savior).  I think the first thing I would have told John was that we should not be ashamed (or offended as Christ said) of Christ or his Gospel, but rather embrace it and show it to the world.  I would reassure John that Christ testified that John was the one prophets foretold would come before the Savior and prepare the way.  Finally I would speak of how I felt (implying the spirit) in Christ’s presence while he was yet preaching and performing great miracles among the people. 

2.       Read the institute student manual commentary for Matthew 11:2–3, “Did John Doubt That Jesus Was the Messiah?” (pg. 66). Explain why John wanted his disciples to go to Jesus Christ.
John did not doubt that Jesus was the Messiah.  He had a sure knowledge that came from revelation and visitations of angels.  John had an issue with his disciples not wanting to leave him and follow Christ.  John sent his disciples to Christ to help strengthen the testimony of the disciples in Christ.  John needed to persuade them that Jesus was the messiah

3.       Read the institute student manual commentary for Matthew 11:11, “No Greater Prophet than John the Baptist” (pg. 66). What did the Savior say about John the Baptist in Matthew 11:11 and Luke 7:28? Provide three reasons given by Joseph Smith why John the Baptist is considered among the greatest prophets.
Our Savior said that John the Baptist was the greatest of any born among women, but that the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than him.  John was entrusted with the responsibility of preparing the way for the Savior.  He was also the one who had the job of baptizing the Messiah.  Lastly, John held the rights and keys to the kingdom by being born in the blood lineage that he was born into.

4.       What does John 3:30 suggest about John the Baptist and his attitude toward the Savior? Briefly describe how we could apply a similar attitude in our own lives.

I think this shows John’s full understanding of who the savior was and what his mission was.  John was the prophet that prepared the way for the Savior and he had to amass a large following.  Therefore in this verse it shows not only his understanding, but his humility and willingness to give up whatever power or following he had accumulated.  John had faith knew the Savior needed to fulfill his work.

Friday, May 9, 2014


What is an Apostle and who were the originals?

A search of the scriptures shows these men as the originally called apostles:

Peter (Simon), Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James (son of Alphaeus), Lebaeus (Thadaeus), Simon (Canaanite), Judas Iscariot

I looked up a few of them in the bible dictionary and found these interesting facts:

James & John:  I never caught that the Savior called these two “the sons of thunder” in Mark 3:17.  How cool is that?  I would take that as a nickname from the Savior.
Bartholomew: He is also possibly Nathanael, who is spoken of as being an apostle.  His name means, “God has given”.
Thomas: His name means “twin”, which is the Greek word Didymus.

An Apostle is one who is sent forth.  The calling of an Apostle is to be a special witness of Jesus Christ.  Twelve of these constitute an administrative council in the ministry.  This council is equal in authority to the first presidency.

The Savior gave the Apostles instructions before he sent them out to preach.  The Savior gave them specific direction on whom to preach to.  He instructed them to freely use their priesthood power to bless and serve others.  He gave specific instructions to help them focus on the spiritual matters and not temporal matters.  Knowing that the work of Apostleship would be dangerous, he told them to be “wise as serpents and harmless as doves”.  He taught them to rely on the Spirit.  He taught them to be bold and fearless.

It was a magnificent event when Peter, James & John were called by the Savior.  I thought Peter’s reaction was a sign of humility.  He immediately expressed his weak immortal state, which could be perceived as the first fruits of repentance.  He and James and John then immediately left all and followed the Savior.  I think this incident was much more than just a miracle for the eyes.  The spirit of the Lord must have been very strong for them to make such a drastic decision.  I think I could be more like them by doing all that is asked of me by the servants of our Father in Heaven.  I think my devotion could be better shown by living the Gospel principles fully.  I also think that the more in tune with the spirit I am, the better I will recognize when the Lord is calling for my service.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Born of the Water and of the Spirit

John Chapter 3
We Must Be Born Again

The Savior declared that we must be “born again” (John 3:3). Review John 3:1–8; Mosiah 5:7. Then respond in writing to the following questions and instructions:

1.       What is the difference between “seeing” the kingdom of God and “entering” the kingdom of God?
“Seeing” refers to being ready for, or being able to see the signs of the Lords coming.  D&C 56:18 clarifies this meaning.  The verse states that only the pure in hear, whose hearts are broken, and whose spirits are contrite shall “see” the kingdom of God coming.  “Seeing” is the precursor for entering.  It is the spiritual change that has to occur before you can physically enter the kingdom.  I believe entering is just that.  We shall enter into the kingdom of God with our perfect bodies after being spiritually reborn.

2.       What did Jesus Christ teach Nicodemus that he must do to enter the kingdom of God?
Jesus taught Nicodemus that he needed to change.  He needed to be spiritually reborn.  Nicodemus needed to change from his carnal fallen state to a state of righteousness.  Implied in the statement was that Nicodemus needed to repent, be baptized, and receive the Holy Ghost in order to facilitate this change.

3.       What does it mean to be “born of water?”
Being “born of water” is to be baptized. 

4.       Read Moses 6:59 and list ways that baptism is a symbol of rebirth. Read Romans 6:4 and list how baptism can be a symbol of death.
We believe in baptism by immersion.  This means that one is fully immersed into water and raised back out.  This process symbolizes a death when immersed, and a rebirth when pulled back out.  We came into this life having been born in water in blood.  Therefore, baptism of water is as though we are being reborn, except this time it is a spiritual rebirth and not a physical one.  This process also is symbolic of washing away sins to be clean, and essentially start anew.

5.       What does it mean to be “born of the Spirit?”
Being “born of the Spirit” means to receive the Holy Ghost.  The Holy Ghost has cleansing and sanctifying effect on us.  It has been compared to being baptized by fire.  The Holy Ghost purifies us.

6.       What natural element does the Lord compare with the Spirit? Why is it an effective comparison?
The Lord compares the Spirit to the wind.  He seems to imply that the wind is somewhat of a mystery and that we do not fully comprehend how it works, or why it blows a certain way.  But, if we are born of the spirit we will feel it and hear it and know that it (the wind) is there.  Just like the wind, the spirit can have a great influence and many people in many different areas.

Review John 3:14–17, 35–36. Write a paragraph that describes who the Father loves, what He has done to show his love for his children and for Jesus Christ, what the purpose of the Savior was, and what blessings will come to those who accept the Son.
Our Father in Heaven loves the entire world.  He loves us so much that he has sent us help in the form of his Only Begotten Son.  This help was not sent to condemn us of our mistakes that we will inevitably make, but to save us from those mistakes.  This help is contingent on us believing in and following the Only Begotten Son, our Savior.  Not only does he love us enough to send us help, but if we follow his Son we are then blessed.  One of the greatest blessings God has in store for us is everlasting life.

I think each of the principles discussed in the verses and questions above requires much studying to fully comprehend.  I think my answers scratch the surface on many of the principles.  I have realized that full understanding of these principles requires the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit.  Many of Christ’s teachings are done through symbolism and parables.  This requires each of us to put forth effort to comprehend the teachings.  Putting forth effort requires us to have faith.