Matthew 17:1–9. The Mount of Transfiguration
1. Study the
following references and compile a list of important events that happened on
the Mount of Transfiguration:
Matthew 17:1–9
Luke 9:31 (see footnote a)
2 Peter 1:16–18
Doctrine and Covenants 63:21
Institute student manual commentary for Matthew
17:3–4, “What Was Important About the Appearance of Moses and Elijah?” (pg.
Bible Dictionary, “Transfiguration, Mount of”
(pg. 786)
2. In what ways
would this experience have prepared the three Apostles for the responsibilities
they would soon have as leaders of the Church?
Important events on the Mount:
I think the event happened on the seventh day of
the week
Peter, James and John were apart from the others
Christ was transfigured
Moses and Elias (Elijah) appeared to them
Heavenly Father declared Christ to be his son
from a cloud and instructed the apostles to hear him (Christ)
The Apostles showed humility and respect for the
event by offering to build tabernacles
The Apostles were told to keep the event sacred.
Moses and Elias spoke to Christ of his death and
All these things were the apostles witnesses
apostles must have been shown many other things, one of those was the
transfiguration of the earth
On the mount is where Peter, James and John received
the keys to the priesthood
The relationship between Christ and his prophets
was demonstrated.
It was important for Moses and Elijah to appear because
they each held important keys pertaining to the priesthood that would be
necessary to confer upon the apostles.
Moses held the keys to the gathering of Israel and Elijah the keys to
the sealing power. Another important
aspect of their appearance we learn, is that they came as translated beings,
not resurrected beings. They did not
taste of death, but were translated.
This was important as they would need bodies to confer these keys by the
laying on of hands, but could not be resurrected as Christ was to be the first
to resurrect.
This is a grand moment in the scriptures. One that I think I take for granted. I think the difficult part is that much of
the doctrine about the event is spread out through ancient and modern
revelation. I think in order for Peter,
James and John to take over the affairs of the church, this event was
necessary. This event would have made
them even more of a “Special” witness of Christ. The event opened their understanding to many
future event, which no doubt strengthened their faith and resolve. Hearing the voice of our Father in Heaven
would have given them a testimony on how the god head works. Most importantly they had the keys of the
priesthood conferred upon them. This was
necessary to continue the work of salvation among men. I think this would have been a mind blowing
event for me. I’m sure their physical
states had to be altered to endure such an event. I would have marveled for a long time on what