Saturday, March 29, 2014

King David

Choice 2: 2 Samuel 1-10. David Anointed King

Search 2 Samuel 1-10 and make a list of King David’s accomplishments.

·         King David’s Accomplishments
1.       Slayes the killer of Saul and Jonathan
2.       Anointed King over house of Judah
3.       Defeated Abner and his followers
4.       Brings justice to two men who slew a righteous man
5.       All Israel anoints him king
6.       He takes Jerusalem
7.       He conquers the Philistines.
8.       He defeats many nations
9.       The Lord is with him
10.   Pays tribute and respect to the house of Saul
11.   Defeats Ammonites and Syrians

Read 1 Chronicles 22:7-8 and the Institute Student Manual commentary for 2 Samuel 7:1-17, “Why Was David Not Allowed to Build the Temple?” (pgs. 289-90). Write your explanation of why the Lord did not want David to build a temple.

·         The Lord did not give David specific reasons as to why he could not build a house of the Lord.  In fact, it is mentioned that David had good intentions for building the house.  The Lord did tell David that he could not build the temple because he had made too many wars and shed too much blood.  I am not sure why that would be a factor.  David eventually had his son Solomon build the temple.  Maybe the Lord needed this to be for Solomon’s sake.

Read 2 Samuel 7:12-17 and write one or two sentences describing how you would feel if you were in a situation similar to David’s. Write one or two sentences describing how 2 Samuel 7:16 is a Messianic prophecy. Then read 2 Samuel 7:18-29 and summarize David’s response to the Lord’s message to him.

·         David is denied permission from the Lord to build a temple.  It almost seems as though the Lord was upset that David wanted to build a permanent house without the Lord giving approval on the location and time at which it should be built.  I think, if I were David, I would feel chastened at the Lords response.  The Lord praises David and tells him he has been blessed, but says he will establish his house after David has died.  The fact that David had to hear this from Nathan makes me think that David was not totally in tune with the Lord and that maybe his desire to build a temple was blinding him to what the Lord was trying to tell him.
·         The Lord tells David that his house and kingdom shall be established forever.  We know that Christ came through the lineage of David.  Being established forever probably has reference to our Savior and his power and glory.  
·         David responds to the Lord with thanks and asks that the Lord do as he has said.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Sampson-The Nazarite

Choice 1: Judges 13-16. “The Woman Bare a Son, and Called His Name Samson”
  1. Study Judges 13-16 looking for both the possible greatness of Samson and his failings. Fill in the chart below, indicating Samson’s blessings and his sins.
Promises and Blessings
Blessed at birth
Took wife of the uncircumcised philistines
Will deliver Israel from Philistines
Anger and retaliation
Spirit of the Lord moved him
Was with a Harlot
No razor to touch his head
Trusts evil women
Slays a lion, then ate meat and honey from it

Lord miraculously provides water
Slew 30 men
Blessed with strength one last time to kill 3,000 philistines.
Slays a thousand men
  1. After completing the chart above, write one or two paragraphs explaining why you think some people with so much potential make such bad decisions.
Here is one of my favorite quotes, “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” (Abraham Lincoln).  I think our potential or power can sometimes blind us.  It can make us believe we are more than just the dust of the earth, and we can begin to either forget or ease God out of our lives.  We all know the pride cycle.  When we have success we forget our God.  With power and potential comes the trial of humility.
  1. Read Judges 13:5; Numbers 6:1-9 and the Institute Student Manual commentary for Judges 13:5, “What Is a Nazarite?” (pg. 259). Make a list of the requirements for a Nazarite. From Judges 14-16 write a statement that describes which of his vows Samson broke.
What does it mean to be a Nazarite:
  • They shall make a vow with the Lord
  • No razor shall come on their head
  • Must not drink wine, strong drink, vinegar of wine, vinegar of strong drink or liquor of grapes
  • Must not eat moist or dried grapes
  • Must not eat anything of the vine tree, from the kernels to the husk
  • Must not come at a dead body
  • Must not be unclean for father, mother, brother or sister at their death
  • Must be holy unto the Lord
  • If they kill anyone they must shave their head
The Nazarite was a special calling.  It almost seems similar to that of a nun or priest who have devoted their life to God.  Sampson was to separate himself from others “by a special vow of self-dedication to Jehovah”. (Old Testament manual)  Of all these requirements, Sampson broke many of them.  Instead of separating himself, he marries a Philistine.  Sampson killed several people.  He was immoral by being with a harlot and was deceived by devious women.
  1. Using the account of Samson’s life, write a paragraph about how you could avoid yielding to temptation in your own life.

The story of Sampson, and Delilah deceiving him, makes me think of how persistent satan is.  Just because you have resisted him a couple times, or even a thousand times, he is still going to try and tempt you so that you will fall.  And he will do it in a way so as to target your weakest links.  For Sampson this was a lust for women.  This is why it is so important that we continually build our spiritual strength, just like our physical muscles, we need to use it or we will lose it.  

Friday, March 14, 2014

Choose you This Day…...

Choice 1: Joshua 7-24. “Choose You This Day Whom Ye Will Serve”
  1. Read Joshua 10:12-14 and the Institute Student Manual commentary for Joshua 10:12-14,“Did the Sun Really Stand Still in the Heavens?” (pg. 240). Did the sun really stand still in the heavens? Write a paragraph how you could explain these verses to someone who says he or she won’t believe the Bible because of this obvious contradiction with science.

I think anyone who argues this issues probably does not believe in God.  God has all power over the universe.  If he wanted to make the sun revolve around the earth, he could.  Remember that just because you are a prophet, it does not mean that you know everything there is to know.  Besides, Joshua made a statement about what appeared to be happening when one looks outside, not what was actually happening. When we wake up and got to sleep why do we say, “The sun is coming up”, or “The sun is going down”.  The sun is not going up and down!  This is a false statement, therefore we must all be uneducated and unable to understand science.  Why don't we say, “The earth has rotated this morning”.  That would be absurd.  Hence the statement made was about what seemed to be happening to the naked eye, not what was scientifically happening.  
I also think this is a great verse to show the importance of the Book of Mormon in clarifying gospel principles and various aspects of the Bible.  The Lord has given us more of his word, why would you reject it.  
  1. Read the chapter summaries of Joshua 7-22. Make two lists—one that identifies Israel’s successes and another that identifies Israel’s failures.

Israel’s Successes
Israel’s Failures
Ambushes and eventually defeats Ai
Defeated by People of Ai
Builds an Altar
Joshua complains
Israel takes Gibeonites as servants
Achan & house destroyed because of disobedience
Israel  defeats Amorites and other cities.
Gibeonites trick Israel into a treaty
The Lord Fought for Israel

Israel conquers whole land

Israel conquers 2 east kings and 31 west

Confirmed inheritance of Reuben, Gad, 1/2 of Manasseh

Land divided up and inheritance given

Drive out remaining canaanites

Tabernacle of Congregation set up

The Lord Fulfills all his promises and gives Israel rest

Israel builds an altar of testimony.

  1. Read Joshua 23-24 and the Institute Student Manual commentary for Joshua 24:1-28, “Choose You This Day Whom Ye Will Serve” (pg. 242). What do you think was the major theme of Joshua’s final address to his people? Based on the lists you created from Joshua 7-22, write a paragraph that explains why Joshua chose to deliver his final address on this particular topic.

I think he final address mostly pointed to obedience.  Coupled with obedience is the idea that you have to be on the Lords side in order to accomplish it.  So, so he wanted Israel to choose the Lord and be obedient to him.  He reminded them several times that it was only due to their obedience that the Lord fought their battles and they prevailed over their enemies.  Reading through the chapter headings I noticed that Israel had many successes, but failures came also.  Those failures were all attributed to disobedience.  It is not hard to see the blessings that came to Israel as a result of their obedience.  Obedience brings happiness, peace and a freedom from many of the problems plaguing the world.  A prophet has much responsibility.  I think giving this last speech was his way of making his last effort to encourage his people to pursue righteousness.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Wickedness of Canaan

Choice 1: Deuteronomy 2-3, 7, 9, 20, 25. Israel Commanded to Destroy the Wicked
  1. Read Deuteronomy 20:17 and make a list of the different nations the Lord identified in these verses. Then read Deuteronomy 2:15, 7:2, 12:2-3, and write a paragraph about what the Lord commanded Israel to do with these nations.
The Lord commanded them to destroy the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and the Jebusites.
The Lord commanded Israel to destroy these people “from among the host, until they were consumed.” (Deut. 2:15)  The Lord also commands them to “smite them, and utterly destroy them;”, not to make a covenant with them or “shew mercy unto them” (Deut. 7:2).  The Lord further instructs Israel to destroy all of the religious locations of the nations they possess, whether these locations be on a high mountain or under a tree.  This included their altars, pillars, groves, graven images and the names of the gods.  
I think the Lord was showing that he was a jealous God, and that he wanted no other gods before him.  I think by having his chosen people destroy those who were worshiping other gods, He was showcasing his own might.
  1. Read Deuteronomy 9:4-5 and the Institute Student Manual commentary for Deuteronomy 7:1-5, “Why Did the Lord Command the Israelites to Utterly Destroy the Canaanites?” (pg. 219). Add to your previous paragraph any other reasons why these nations were destroyed.

The Lord is destroying these other nations because of their wickedness.  Interestingly, the Lord says that these nations are not being destroyed because of the Israelite righteousness, but rather the nations’ wickedness. The Lord was giving the Israelites these lands because of promises He had made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  In the end the Lord was slaying the wicked to promote his righteous purposes.  If the wicked were allowed to be, they may attempt to thwart the ways of the Lord.  The Student Manual states that the Canaanite wickedness was “full” or complete and that is why they were spared mercy.
  1. Many of the sins found among the people living in Canaan are prevalent in today’s society. Write a paragraph explaining how you think we can protect ourselves from these sins.

The Canaanites were caught up in much wickedness.  Their main source of wickedness was their idolatrous behavior.  The Lord has said, and it is a commandment, thou shalt have no other gods before me.  In our day their are many forms of idolatry.  The worship of celebrities, the worship of reality TV, social media worship, the church of the NFL and so forth.  Interestingly the Canaanite wickedness was said to threaten the the spiritual existence of a future nation.  What we do now, where we spend our time, where we put our heart is going to be taught either through word or action to our rising generation, and they will stumble and fall if we have not built the correct foundation for them.  I think we can protect ourselves from these sins by adhering to the word of God.  The teachings of the Gospel are the only way to truly and fully avoid the pitfalls of this life.