Thursday, January 23, 2014

Who was Melchizedek?


Choice 3: Genesis 14:18-20; JST, Genesis 14:25-40. Who Was Melchizedek?

Read JST, Genesis 14:25-40; Alma 13:14-19; Doctrine and Covenants 84:14, 107:1-4; and the
Institute Student Manual commentary for Genesis 14:18, “Who Was Melchizedek?” (pg. 67-68).

Melchizedek has always been a figure of mystery to me.  Growing up I remember being told vague details of this man.  These details included the idea that he was a great man, so great that Abraham (the Prophet) paid tithes to him.  Because of his righteousness the higher priesthood was so named after him, The Melchizedek Priesthood.  With the help of some scriptures, Joseph Smith’s translation of the bible, and some insight, we learn more.

 We learn of Melchizedek that, Of all God’s ancient high priests none were greater.” (Alma 13:19.) The priesthood was originally named “The Holy Priesthood after the Order of the Son of God”.  This was later changed to the Melchizedek Priesthood to avoid frequent repetition of the name of God ( I would assume to also shorten it).  Melchizedek is evidence that the Lord had called several servants of high ranking to serve and teach his gospel to the various lands of that time, just as he does today.

Melchizedek is seen as a title to mean, “King of Righteousness”.  Some believe, but cannot confirm, that Melchizedek may in fact be “Shem”, the son of Noah.  Melchizedek was likened to the Son of God, and was even called the prince of peace.  Melchizedek was the king of Salem (or Jerusalem). 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Genesis 11:1-9. A Tower to Reach Heaven

Genesis 11:1-9. A Tower to Reach Heaven

a.    Read Genesis 11:1-9, Helaman 6:28, and Ether 1:3-4, and write your answers to the following questions:
• What was the stated purpose of building a tower?
The tower was built to reach heaven, and was built as part of their city in the plains.  I think it was also a way for the people in that area to separate themselves from all others on the earth.  They wanted to "make us a name".  It seems as though this was the first try at segregation of classes.  So, the Lord gave them what they wanted.
• Why do you think this angered the Lord?
As with Cain's offering, the Lord does not approve of anything that comes from the influence of Satan.  Satan put into the hearts of the people to build this tower.
• What did God do to scatter the people?
What seemed as a punishment, God confounded the languages of the people and scattered them across the earth.
• Read Ether 1:33-43 and summarize in writing how the Jaredites from the Book of Mormon fit into this story.
The Jaredites (who were named after Jared and his brother) were part of the people of Babel.  They were a righteous people and favored of the Lord.  The Lord blessed them and did not confound their language and then also led them to a choice land (America). 

b.    As is typical with Satan’s tactics, he will take a truth and twist it into a counterfeit. Note that the people building the tower of Babel tried to make a name for themselves, while the followers of the Lord willingly take His name upon them. Read Acts 4:12; Mosiah 3:17, 5:7-15; and Doctrine and Covenants 18:21-25, and write two to three paragraphs about how we can receive “a name” (Genesis 11:4) that will truly help us reach heaven.

I thought it was interesting that the scriptures make a point of saying the "whole earth was of one language, and of one speech."  I think that God would have rather we all were one nation under God.  I think the temptations of Satan to be separate from others and to "make us a name" so that even if they are scattered they can distinguish between them and others brought his wrath in the tower of Babel.

We all desire to be identified by something.  For this we have a first name and even a last name that ties us to our family.  But, we all want another identifier to even separate us from our family.  Many choose to do this through their looks or actions.  Yet, many also choose to do this through affiliation to a group whether it be gang related, political, social, or recreational.  God is a jealous God and wants us to be identified by his name.

We become identifiable by "God's name" only when we live by the teachings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Additionally we must have faith in him, repent, be baptized and covenant to always follow him.  We want to be called after Christ's name, because there is no other name where by we can be saved.